Are you looking to connect with others on campus who are doing similar work or are interested in similar topics?
Are you interested in collaborating on open scholarship projects and programs?
The Open UBC Working Group, which is comprised of faculty, students, and staff, has been meeting regularly to advise, communicate, and partner on the development of resources and strategies for supporting open scholarship at UBC.
Open Scholarship is a broad and somewhat loose term that has emerged in response to a need to identify and speak to a growing number of open practices within academia. Open Access, Open Science, Open Data, and Open Education make up a sprawling landscape of interconnected approaches to and focuses on “openness”.
Collectively, the Open UBC Working Group is a place to discuss, share, and develop advocacy strategies for open scholarship at UBC. In addition to serving as a place of community for those interested in various areas of open, the working group reviews and approves applications to the OER Rapid Innovation Grant Program and works closely with representatives from the Library, CTLT and AMS to operationalize institutional approaches to open scholarship.
Meetings are held on the last Monday of every month.
The primary form of communication employed by the working group will be the OPENUBC-WG listserv. To join the Open UBC Working Group, subscribe to the listserv and introduce yourself. To subscribe, email the Listserv with the subject line “Subscribe” by selecting the button below.
Current Projects
Program for Open Scholarship and Education (POSE)
The Program for Open Scholarship and Education (POSE) is intended for faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students with an interest in open research, open access, open data, and open education. The co-hort-based program is open and free for UBCO, UBCV, and non-UBC faculty, staff, and students at the post-secondary level. Participants of this program gain the tools and strategies to become proficient in supporting and advocating for open practices.
Members – Will Engle, Erin Fields, Rie Namba, Stephanie Savage, Lucas Wright
Past Members – Mathew Vis Dunbar, Eka Grguric, Christina Hendricks, Sarah Parker
UBC Open Education Resource Collection
The UBC OER Collection is to showcase UBC OER content in a searchable interface to support both UBC faculty and the general community in incorporating open educational resources and practices into their curriculum. This working group promotes and maintains the UBC OER Collection, including adding new records to the searchable collection.
Members – Will Engle, Erin Fields, Donna Langille, Rie Namba
Video-based Open Educational Resource Guide
This working group is developing a resource guide to support the creation of video-based open educational resources that meet the highest standards of openness and allow for users of the content to easily adopt, adapt, remix, revise, and share the video content developed.
Members – Will Engle, Erin Fields, Rie Namba, Michael Sider