HLWIKI International (Archive)
The objective of the HLWIKI is to build a health sciences librarianship wiki with an international perspective, but also to emphasize issues affecting practice in Canada. For example, it focuses on expert searching to support the development of systematic reviews in medicine, and searching for the grey literature. The HLWIKI International Advisory supports the Creative Commons principles of sharing and collaboration (i.e. copyleft).
Spanish 312: Murder, Madness, and Mayhem
The UBC SPAN312 class (“Murder, Madness, and Mayhem: Latin American Literature in Translation”), taught by Jon Beasley-Murray contributed to Wikipedia during Spring 2008..
Towards Open Education
The notion of “open education”, whether it be in the context of large initiatives such as the OpenCourseWare Consortium, the British Columbia open textbook initiative, institutional Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) or countless grassroots efforts, has been growing in prominence in higher education in British Columbia. Toward Open Education hopes to leverage a combination of BC-specific case studies and focused resources to produce a web framework that will deliver impactful summaries and meaningful engagements around open education best practices, ongoing challenges, and practical tips relevant to BC educators and students.
UBC Scholarly Communications Steering Committee
The purpose of the committee is to create a wider forum for discussion and consideration of changes to the system of scholarship..
Open Education Community of Practice
The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology supports Open Education in various ways, including a community of practice around the sharing of educational resources and practices that are freely available for anyone to reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute.
Open UBC Week
Open UBC is held in conjunction with International Open Access Week, which encourages the academic community to come together to share and learn about open scholarship initiatives locally and worldwide.
Open Badges Project
Digital badges are emerging as a vital component of open, flexible learning systems as a way to signify levels of participation as well as the achievement of skills and knowledge. Within UBC…