Video Game Law

LAW423b: Video Game Law

The interactive entertainment and video game industries are governed by a variety of international and domestic laws dealing with intellectual property, communications, contracts, tort liability, obscenity, employment, defamation, and freedom of expression…

screenshot of UBC CMS


UBC provides a hosted content management system (CMS) based on the open source WordPress platform…

UBC blog logo

UBC Blogs

UBC Blogs is a hosted weblogging platform designed to provide free individual or group webspace for the UBC community…

UBC Wiki

The UBC Wiki is a university-wide wiki designed to provide a collaborative writing and content development environment for instructors and students. It can be used for open education resources, open courses, group authoring on a topic, peer review/editing, class resource development (adding annotated links/building a shared resource for a class), and documentation development (resource manuals or guides that need to be updated regularly).

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Open Access Journal Hosting

The UBC Library provides access to server space and to the open source Open Journal Systems software for UBC faculty members who are editing or supporting Open Access electronic journals as well as recognized UBC student journals. This includes BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly and the Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice.

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greek epigraphic

Greek Epigraphic Squeezes: Developing a Digital Environment

This student-driven project was a  collaboration between the Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies department  with the UBC Library to digitize 700 Greek Epigraphic Squeezes and develop the descriptive content necessary to deliver comprehensive online collections. “Since the spring of 2013, a dedicated group of graduate and undergraduate students have been working tirelessly to create open access digital repositories for these collections in order for scholars, professors, and the general public alike to enjoy these incredible artifacts that span nearly three thousand years of human history. “

maple tree

Human Environmental Experiential Learning Initiatives

As part of this project the Faculty of Geography created OER, including a new open textbook on Natural Hazards and created tutorials for learning open source software (QGIS) for GIScience…