Public Knowledge Project
The UBC Library has entered into a major partnership with Public Knowledge Project (PKP)…
A discussion enhancing micro-blogging WordPress theme. PulsePress extends the popular P2 theme, developed by Automattic, with more theme options…
CTLT WordPress Plug-ins
UBC’s open web publishing framework consists of loosely coupled web applications, using WordPress as a core foundation…
iPeer is an open source web application that allows instructors to develop and deliver rubric-based peer evaluations..
Open Dialogues: How to engage the general public
“A lot of people in urban centres are aware of air quality, water quality. These are absolutely important issues, but so is soil,” said Maja Krzic…
Open Dialogues: How to Practice Responsible Pedagogy
Arthur Gill Green’s interest in open education practices developed early in his career. . Just as he was finishing his first course, he noticed something peculiar…
Open Dialogues: How to Make Teaching More Student-Centered
Rosie Redfield has been doing science in the open for a long time. For over two decades she has been putting her grant proposals online – which “is just about unheard of…”