Assignment & Projects

Trans* Journeys: Centering Marginalized Voices Through Open Pedagogy and Open Publishing

Trans* Journeys: Centering Marginalized Voices Through Open Pedagogy and Open Publishing

In Fall 2024, Dr. Isabel Machado’s Introduction to Trans Studies (CSIS 301) students developed illustrated essays analyzing trans memoirs and autobiographies, culminating in the openly published collection, Trans* Journeys: Illustrated Essays of Trans Persons Autobiographies. The assignment encouraged students to engage with trans autobiographical writing traditions, apply careful citation practices, consider accessibility in their work, […]
Spectacles in the Roman World – A Source Book

Spectacles in the Roman World – A Source Book

An open textbook developed by Siobhán McElduff (CNERS) of primary sources on Roman games and spectacles in their various forms.
a group of people working to improve the Wikipedia at the Art and Feminism event

Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Art+Feminism is a campaign improving coverage of cis and transgender women, feminism and the arts on Wikipedia. From coffee shops and community centers to the largest museums and universities in the world, Art+Feminism is a do-it-yourself and do-it-with-others campaign
Digital Tattoo logo

Digital Tattoo

The goal of the Digital Tattoo project is to raise questions, provide examples and links to resources to encourage you to think about your presence online…
UBC wiki logo

ETEC510 Design Wiki

An iterative course wiki on technology enhanced learning environments that has evolved over several years.