Open Access Week 2024
Join UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the CTLT Vancouver, and the CTL Okanagan for sessions on various topics related to open access to research & education.
UBC Library Open Education Impact & Activity Report 2023/2024
A highlight of UBC Library’s combined impact on open educational practices at UBC for 2023/2024.
Open Access Week 2023
Join UBC Vancouver Library, UBC Okanagan Library, the CTLT Vancouver, and the CTL Okanagan for sessions on various topics related to open access to research & education.
UBC Library Open Education Impact & Activity Report – 2022/2023
A highlight of UBC Library’s combined impact on open educational practices at UBC for 2022/2023.
Join Us! Fair Dealing Week 2023
Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week is an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair use and fair dealing, celebrate successful stories, and explain these doctrines.