
The UBC OER Collection Challenge

The UBC OER Collection Challenge

Kicking off Open Education Week at UBC, the Alma Mater Society, Student’s Union UBC Okanagan and Open UBC invite UBC faculty, staff, and students to contribute open educational resources (OER) to the newly launched UBC OER Collection as part of a multi-campus challenge, starting March 7.

H5P Symposium: Feb 22-23

H5P Symposium: Feb 22-23

In this multi-day H5P symposium, we will introduce you to H5P, demonstrate its strengths and limitations, and highlight successful examples of implementation and course integration for various content types (e.g. multiple choice question sets, auto-graded essays, drag and drop, and interactive videos).

Join Us! Fair Dealing Week

Join Us! Fair Dealing Week

Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week is an annual celebration of the important doctrines of fair use and fair dealing. It is designed to highlight and promote the opportunities presented by fair use and fair dealing, celebrate successful stories, and explain these doctrines.

OER Fund - Decorative image of students studying

Live Now! Open Scholarship in Practice Recordings

Missed Open Scholarship in Practice? Catch-up with video recordings of the sessions.

Registration for POSE is now Open!

Registration for POSE is now Open!

We are excited to announce that the next session of POSE will run again from January to April 2022. Please register to join us!

Figure of a centre of gravity on a foot from OER Mechanics project (CC BY UBC Engineering.

OER in STEM: Opportunities & Challenges

Open resources can be an important tool for reducing student textbook costs. Dr. Agnes d’Entremont from UBC Mechanical Engineering explains why it’s harder to develop or adapt them for STEM — and the opportunities if we do.

OER Fund(ed): Using Open Educational Resources to Support Student Learning Inside and Outside of Class

OER Fund(ed): Using Open Educational Resources to Support Student Learning Inside and Outside of Class

Jonathan Verret received a 2019/20 OER Implementation Grant for a project that resulted in the creation of a “Foundations of Chemical and Biological Engineering” open textbook. This resource, which provides an introduction to foundational topics of chemical engineering…

Open Scholarship in Practice: Join us November 2-6 for a week of workshops and webinars thatwill transform the way you create and share your research.

Join Us! Open Scholarship in Practice 2021

Join us for webinars and presentations exploring the practice of open scholarship.

OER Fund(ed): Bringing culture and community to online language learning

OER Fund(ed): Bringing culture and community to online language learning

Last year, Dr. Mark Turin and other faculty members from the UBC Himalaya Program received an Open Education Resources (OER) Rapid Innovation Grant for their proposal: Nepali and Tibetan Language in a Community Context. The resulting project created two OER courses, developed by UBC Himalaya Program and Asian Studies language instructors Binod Shrestha (Nepali) and […]
2021/22 Call for Applications for Open Educational Resource Grants

2021/22 Call for Applications for Open Educational Resource Grants

The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBCV, is pleased to invite the UBC community to apply funding to support the use of OER in UBCV courses.