Creative Commons Module

Take a deep dive into Creative Commons licenses through the POSE program. Creative Commons licenses are open copyright licenses that can be applied to OER.

OER Module

Take a deep dive into the Open Educational Resources through the POSE program. OER are teaching materials that are free of cost and which also carry permission for reuse. 

Open Pedagogy Module

Take a deep dive into the Open Pedagogy through the POSE program. Open pedagogy is the application of the concepts of open to the practices of teaching and learning.

OER Accessibility Toolkit

How to make your work a truly open and accessible educational resource — one that is accessible for all students.

An Open Letter to UBC

An Open Letter to UBC

Dear Educators at UBC Vancouver,
The AMS would like to commend you for all of the extra hours and hard work put into the restructuring of curriculum and adjusting to online platforms since earlier this year.

BCcampus Adoption Finder tool

Tool that helps identify open textbooks used at colleges, institutes, and universities in B.C.

Registration for POSE is now Open!

Registration for POSE is now Open!

We are excited to announce that the next session of POSE will run again from January to April 2022. Please register to join us!

Using Canvas to Support Open Teaching and Learning

Canvas strategies and functions that can be used to support open.

Teaching with UBC Blogs

Suggestions for using UBC Blogs and UBC Wordpress in the classroom.