OER Grant Support for Affordable Course Materials – Deadline Jan. 19, 20
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver is pleased to invite the UBC Vancouver community to apply for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants.
Open Scholarship in Practice 2022
Join us for webinars and presentations exploring the practice of open scholarship.
An Open Letter to UBC
Dear Educators at UBC Vancouver,
The AMS would like to commend you for all of the extra hours and hard work put into the restructuring of curriculum and adjusting to online platforms since earlier this year.
AMS Announces Call for 2022 Nominations for OER Champions
The Alma Mater Society (AMS) is excited to announce that on November 30th, 2022, we will be hosting an event to honour those who work in Open Education at UBC. The call is now open for students and other members of the UBC community to nominate OER Champions
2022 OER Fund Evaluation Snapshot
The UBC Vancouver Open Educational Resources (OER) Fund, established through the UBC Academic Excellence Fund, aims to support affordable and inclusive access to learning materials through the adoption, adaptation, development, and integration of open educational resources in UBCV credit courses. In 2019, UBCV initially committed $1 million over four years to the UBCV OER Fund. As of spring 2022, […]
UBC Library Open Education Impact & Activity Report – 2021/2022
Find out about the open education projects, events, and services offered by UBC Library Vancouver and Okanagan campuses in 2021/2022.
New! UBC Open Text Publishing Guide
The UBC Library has created an Open Text Publishing Guide to help authors navigate the process of creating a text.
Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-athon
The Belkin, UBC Art History Students Association, UBC Visual Arts Students Association, and Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory invites participants of all genders and expressions to join us and help balance representational imbalances at this year’s Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon taking place from 11 am to 2 pm on Thursday, 24 March 2022. Each spring, […]
Join Us! Open Education Week 2022
An annual celebration, Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide.