
Image of UBC Campus with the words "OER Champions"

AMS Announces Call for 2024 Nominations for OER Champions

The Alma Mater Society (AMS) is proud to announce a call for for students and other members of the UBC community to nominate UBC OER Champions — the faculty, staff, and administrators who dedicate their time contributing to the use of open educational resources (OER) at UBC.  The significant costs associated with learning materials have […]
Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Webinar Series: The Practices of Indigenous Knowledge in Open Educational Resources

Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Webinar Series: The Practices of Indigenous Knowledge in Open Educational Resources

The Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Webinar Series is focused on building knowledge, supporting a space for discussion, and engaging both theoretically and practically on how open education (OE) and Indigenous Knowledges can intersect in a respectful way.
Call for Survey Participants – Canadian Indigenous Perspectives on OER

Call for Survey Participants – Canadian Indigenous Perspectives on OER

This research seeks to identify workflows, practices, and unique barriers involved in developing Canadian Indigenous OER.   
Decorative (OER Fund Call for Proposals Icon)

Call for Proposals for OER Grants

Faculty and staff at UBC Vancouver are invited to submit proposals for grants that support the use of open educational resources (OER) in UBC credit courses. OER are teaching and learning materials that are openly licensed to permit free access as well as adaptation and sharing. Since 2019, UBC has provided over $825,000 in OER […]
2023 OER Fund Fall Consulting Clinics and Studios

2023 OER Fund Fall Consulting Clinics and Studios

Are interested in developing an OER Fund grant proposal and incorporating open educational resources (OER) into your teaching and learning? This fall, the CTLT will host a number of consulting clinics to provide more information about the OER Fund: Proposal Development Consultations The CTLT is offering weekly online drop-in sessions for applicants who are planning […]
students working on computer

What is Open Scholarship?

Open scholarship is the application of open practices throughout the teaching, learning, and research environment with the goal to lower barriers to knowledge by making the processes and products of scholarship more distributed, transparent, and accessible.